Saturday, October 22, 2011

Soul Mates

As I was getting ready for my day, I was thinking....  Those of you that know me already realize that very seldom does my brain stop processing or analyzing things... something is always going on in the background of my brain- kind of like the antivirus on a computer... it is always there, always on, and always processing....  I like to think of it as one of my endearing characteristics, however, I am almost certain that those who are around me the most my think of it differently...

But anyway, so I was thinking and I thought to myself, "Oh my gosh!! Phillip and I both have "champagne" colored Honda Accords AND we both have blue terry cloth bathrobes!!!" (of course mine is a Victoria's Secret and I have several other robes hanging in the closet and he has only 1)  These similarities were there prior to us dating....  

This only means one thing.....  We are soul mates!!!! 

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